English learning log

English learning log


2021. december 08. - polly graph

I started my English Course For Beginners at Bonus Language School last month. Our teacher is very friendly. She is not afraid of chairs or songs.

My classmates are very nice. The best students in the Galaxy! There are 8 of us in the group - 3 men and 5 very lovely women. The nicest people in the world!

....... has short hair and buys a new book every day. He goes to THE prison regularly but he's not a criminal.

........ is a married and his wife is expecting a baby. Maybe a boy. Maybe not. I think he wants a boy. He has a lot of good questions and delicious sandwiches.

.......'s got short/long/wavy/curlystraight hair and a fishtank and she would like to go to space. She hates red cards.

........... really likes chocolate and quizzes. Everybody wants to beat her but nobody can. She is really into law.

........... is new and so she missed the best part of the course: she missed the lesson when the teacher fell off the chair. We will have to ask her some questions. Who's this girl? (We asked the questions and found out that her chiwawa has one ball!)

............. can draw very well and she is really nice so never laughs at the teacher's terrible drawings.

........... has three cats and always listens to the teacher very carefully. Because she wants to be a psychologist. She is a survivor!

........ is fond of corners, mulled wine and series. He hates questions like "How old were you in 2010?" He's a family guy.

The lessons are quite interesting! I'm fond of English. I think we have the BEST teacher in the UNIVERSE!

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