English learning log

English learning log

GOSSIP - reading comprehension (fill in the gaps)

2021. szeptember 16. - polly graph

A: I was encouraged to think of human beings in terms  B: so instead we can bond by C: Having noted that   D: you would talk to  E: Or alternatively have F: someone had told her that I live in Bromley   G: it can be helpful and some early definitions of gossip  H:  as an old Irish saying…


FILL IN THE GAPS - using vocabulary from the crossword (words from Speak Simply pages 202-205)

https://learningapps.org/watch?v=psem6025v21 Words to use: barely, broaden,  joy, means, misleading, obtain, recover, respond, via, vulnerable 1. Old people are particularly  .......... to the coronavirus disease. 2. How do you ......... to nasty comments? 3. She flew to Los Angeles ..........…


Noun-Adjective-Verb-Adverb : 200+ Important words | Vocabulary | Interchange of Parts of Speech

WORDS TO USE IN THE GAPS: confusion, emphasis, explosions, impression, pressure, promotion, research, similarity, specialty, strenghts 1. I find it difficult to cope with .......... at work. 2. Do you think I made a good .......... on your parents? 3. We carried out market .......... to identify…

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