English learning log

English learning log


2025. február 26. - polly graph

WOULD YOU LIKE a bathbomb or a bubble bath?

The Science of Bath Bombs (and How to Make Them) | Live ScienceBuy Bubble Bath Afterpay or Zippay – Little Brown Goose

WOULD YOU LIKE a plaid scarf or a knit scarf?

Cream Contrast Check Tartan Blanket Scarf – Ted & Stitch LimitedChunky Knit Scarf - Grey | Oversized Scarves

WOULD YOU like a cactus or an orchid?

Cactus | Desert Mix – The Seed Company by E.W. GazePurple Orchid (Phalaenopsis orchid) – Rooted

WOULD YOU LIKE a houseboat or an RV?

Woman Living on a Charming Tiny Houseboat in All 4 Seasons – Full Tour &  How It Works - YouTubeRV Rental Reno, NV | Cruise America

WOULD YOU LIKE white dungarees or black dungarees?

Women's Pocket Side Button Design Denim Bib Jumpsuit,SWhite Stuff Black 100% Cotton Jersey Daphne Dungarees 38 Womens


The people who 'see' foreign languages: How synaesthesia can help language learning

Synaesthesia is not considered .................... (1) and – although it has been ...........(2) neurodevelopmental and mental health conditions including autismanxiety and schizophrenia – it is described as an "alternative perceptual reality" and ............ (3) be beneficial.

"When I was younger I knew I saw the world ...............  (4), and my way of describing that to others was 'colourful'," says Smadar Frisch.

Frisch, who has grapheme-colour synaesthesiasound-colour synaesthesia and lexical–gustatory synaesthesia – where words have taste – explores the world of senses through her podcast, Chromatic Minds, and is currently ................... (5) the subject. "Learning in school was too much for me sensory-wise," she says. "It is very difficult trying to solve an equation when all the colouring of a series of numbers was a psychedelic blast."

This explosion of colour, says Frisch, .............. (6) what she was doing. "[It was the] same with language. The words' colours, music and taste sensations ignited me and I wanted to express myself so much – that I lost focus."

It wasn't until ............. (7) that she came across Richard Cytowic and David Eagleman's book, Wednesday is Indigo blue. "My initial thought was that Wednesday is actually orange – and I needed to get this book." This was a turning point for Frisch. "I finally understood how my synaesthete brain is linked and wired. And I thought to myself, this phenomenon is amazing. I can use the colours to help me learn, ............ (8) ."

Frisch developed a colour coding system to help her ................ (9) and quickly. Studying languages no longer felt confusing but "organised", she says. "And it worked! My whole world changed. I went on to learn the thing my brain was meant to excel in: languages."

Frisch says she was able to learn French and Spanish fluently in just two months. "I scored 90+ on each [French and Spanish] exam," she says. Today Frisch can speak seven languages fluently – and says she can learn any language she wants ".............. (10), in a short matter of time".

writing her first book on (A)

rather than confuse me (B)

generally thought to (C)

she'd almost finished high school (D)

learn new languages fluently (E)

- to be a neurological disorder (F)

would cause her to lose focus and forget (G)

with no difficulty (H)

in a different way (I)

linked to (J)

full article: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20250224-the-people-who-see-foreign-languages-how-synaesthesia-can-help-language-learning



Entertainment: arts, films, free time

What do you like doing in your free time?

I really enjoy dancing, especially Croatian folk dance. I go to rehearsals every week, we usually have performances at the weekend.

I'm fond of watching series. Recently I've been watcing the Crown on Netflix. It's based on true events, it follows the life of the English royal family. 

I also enjoy travelling, in summer we usually go to Croatia, this year we might visit Dubrovnik.

I'm keen on baking cakes.

What photographs or pictures do you see every day?

There are some photos and posters on the walls in my room. Most of them show my friends and family's special occasions: birthdays and holidays.

Who is the best artist you know?

I believe that the best artist is God, who created the whole universe. Art just imitates everything that God created.

Where do you prefer watching a film?

To tell you the truth I enjoy going to the cinema because I'm fond of the popcorn that you can buy there. Watching a film at home has advantages, too, for example you can lie in your comfortable bed and watch your favourite films on your laptop.

Can you name some festivals that are important in your country?

If you ask me, the most interesting festival is Busójárás, the busó carnival. It takes place at the end of February in the city of Mohács. Frightening-looking costumed people (traditionally men) wearing wooden masks and big woolly cloaks take to the streets and chase winter away. This festival marks the end of winter.

When was the last time you went to a concert?

The last time I went to a concert was in December. We went to a Severina show in the Expo Centre with my friends. We had a great time there.

What kind of cultural events do young people like?

Most young people like concerts and festivals. As for me, I enjoy my folk dance performances because I like to prepare for them and do my best on the stage.

Is cultural activity important in our society?

In my opinion culture is very important because we can build our life on culture and traditions. It also means that we share the same values and heritage.

What was the last film you saw? What type of film is it? What is it about?

I've been watching a Netflix series called The Crown. It's a series, it's about the British Royal family, the main character is the Queen of England.

1. People (feelings, personality traits, appereance, stereotypes, teenagers)

In what way are your friends important to you?

Friends are important to me because they give support, companionship, and joy in life.

I do not have too much freetime but I like to spend my evenings and weekends with people I like.

I have two groups of friends. In the bigger group there are about 40 people. I have know them since I was born. We belong to the Croatian minority and dance together in Tanac. We have rehearsals and performances every week. We have a lot of things in common: we enjoy folk dance and love our Croationa heritage.

We go to parties, play board games together. I think they have a good sense of humour, we have a great time together.

The smaller group consists of my school friends. We help each other, we can share problems.  

My best friend is ....... . She is two years older than me. People say we look like sisters although she is taller than me. We dance together. I think she is a very loyal, helpful, reliable, funny and kind friend.

I would like to become a physical therapist because I can help people. I do not want to have a 9-to-5 office job. I would lilke to work for a private clinic.

My role model is a well-known football player's wife, Georgina. She comes from a simple family and does not take anything for granted. There was a very tragic event in her life: she lost her newborn baby. 

I do not think you can make real friends on the internet. I keep in touch with my friends on the internet but they are real life friends. In my opinion we have to be careful: there many fake profiles, trolls and scammers who want your money or who have bad intentions.


Technology/inventions/discoveries, technical devices

I think this is one of the most interesting topics. 

I'm really interested in scientific discoveries. I'm fond of biology. It explains how nature and our bodies work. It helps us understand our place in the natural world and our impact on the planet. In my opinion nature is really interesting and beautiful.

There are many important scientific discoveries, like antibiotics, the DNA or vaccines. These discoveries make our lives healthier and longer. Without antibiotics many people died from pneumonia, before vaccines were invented many people died of polio or diphteria. DNA techology helps catch criminals or prevent diseases.

Modern inventions and technology make our lives easier and more interesting. We can use electricity to heat or light our homes, recharge our phones and laptops. We can save a lot of time if we use washing machines, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners.

There are many techological devices in our home. We use our laptops, phones, televisions every day. They have advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes I feel that I waste my time watching tiktoks or youtube videos. On the other hand: we can learn new things and find a lot of useful information on the internet. 


Do's & Don'ts - visiting the Red Sea

  1. Words to use in the gaps: between, care, for, hand, keep, take, there, times, wear, without
  2. Do stock up on sun cream and moisturiser,  .............. (1) sunglasses and a hat.– it’s particularly important to be protected ............. (2) 11 am and 2 pm when the sun is hottest.
  3. Do ............. (3) your passport with you whenever you are away from the accommodation place.
  4. Do take ............. (4) of underwater treasures, it is human heritage and worthy to preserve.
  5. Do have a good idea of where you are going and keep a map or guidebook at ........... (5).
  6. Do respect local customs – ............. (6) are dress rules when visiting mosques and Churches, so be aware.
  7. Do visit the local Tourist Information Office to get the most from your visit.
  8. Do check opening .............. (7) for places to visit – they can vary during Ramadan & national holidays.
  1. Don’t forget to ............. (8) your camera. Otherwise you‘ll miss enjoyable memories with your loved ones.
  2. Don’t go for desert excursions ................. (9) experienced guide & good driver.
  3. Don’t take anything from the National Parks, and don’t leave anything behind you.
  4. Don’t miss courses for golf & diving for you & your children.
  5. Enjoy your time in Egypt and let the calm, the kindness and respect ................. (10) people be part of your life too – and you are welcome to take that home with you!


Words to use in the gaps: between, care, for, hand, keep, take, there, times, wear, without

4 ways to talk about the future

Ma arról beszéltünk, hogy lehet kifejezni az angolban a JÖVŐ időt, azaz FUTURE-t!

Attól függ, mit szeretnél kifejezni.

1. A legegyszerűbb a folyamatos jelent használni, jövő idős időhatározóval.

I'm going to the hairdressers. I'm having dinner with my teammates. (ez ugye MOST zajlik).

Ha megtoldod egy időhatározóval, lehet olyan jövőben történő cselekvés, amit már leszerveztél. Azaz van időpont a fodrásznál, van étteremfoglalás.

I'm going to the hairdressers. TOMORROW.  I'm having dinner with my teammates ON TUESDAY EVENING.

2. Ha menetrendekről, músorok kezési időpontjáróli van szó, használd az egyszerű jelent.

The bus leaves at 7 am. The film starts at 8pm.


I'm going to the cinema with my friends tonight. The film starts at 8pm.

A könyvünkben ezzel a 25-ös lecke foglalkozik, mely a 60. oldalon kezdődik:


itt tudsz gyakorolni is és még egyszer átolvashatod a példákat.

3. GOING TO (gonna) - ezt akkor vedd elő, ha  A: tervekről, szándékokról beszélsz:

I'm going to sell my car. I'm going to buy a new car. I'm not going to have breakfast today because I'm not hungry.

B: vagy akkor, ha szerinted tutira be fog valami következni, pl sötét felhők láttán: 

It's going to rain.

barátod kezében az ötödik pohár cocktail láttán:

You're gonna get drunk.

(a könyvben a 26-os lecke, 62. oldalon)

4. a WILL segédige az egyszerű jövőt segíti kijejezni.

A: spontán döntés.

- Kriszta, your hair is too long.

-OK, I'll have a haircut.


- Piroska, I'm cold.

- I'll, turn on the heating.

B: felajánlás: 

I'll help you. I'll take you to the airport.

C: ígéret: 

I will always love you. I will always do my homework.

D: szeret az I think kifejezéssel társulni: 

I'm tired. I think I'll go to bed.

I don't think I'll buy a new car.

(28-as lecke, 66. oldalon)

Eddig jutottunk!


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