English learning log

English learning log

Match interview questions and answers - Joost Bakker

2021. július 01. - polly graph

https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20210629-joost-bakker-on-why-zero-waste-living-is-the-future 1F 2B 3H 4G 5E 6A 7C 8D


Greenhouse by Joost Bakker

Read the interview with Australian designer, floral artist, eco-warrior and champion of no-waste living Joost Bakker, who wants to turn our cities and suburbs into sustainable urban farms. Find the right question for each answer. You will find the possible questions (A-H) at the beginning and at the…


FILL IN THE GAPS - using vocabulary from the crossword (words from Speak Simply pages 202-205)

https://learningapps.org/watch?v=psem6025v21 Words to use: barely, broaden,  joy, means, misleading, obtain, recover, respond, via, vulnerable 1. Old people are particularly  .......... to the coronavirus disease. 2. How do you ......... to nasty comments? 3. She flew to Los Angeles ..........…

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